Dealer News

Clare Online Training

Did you know that Clare Controls provides full, web-based training courses that can get you and your installers certified in just hours for FREE?

Topics: dealer online training certification getting started

Clare Tech Tuesday: Troubleshooting with Fusion

In this week's episode of Tech Tuesday, Jerry Bulda explains how you can use Fusion to troubleshoot issues in projects.

Topics: smart home automation tech tuesdays fusion troubleshooting remote fix

Dealer Chat Announcement

Becoming a dealer has never been easier, and Clare is with you every step of the way! Clare has released an online chat support service that allows new clients to speak directly to a Clare representative over the web!

Topics: dealer becoming a dealer how to get started with clare online chat support

Clare Tech Tuesday: Smart Hub LED Light Statuses

In this week's episode of Tech Tuesday, Jerry Bulda covers the different light statuses on the Smart Hub.

Topics: smart home automation tech tuesdays smart hub light status

Clare Tech Tuesday: Clare Security 101

In this week's episode of Tech Tuesday, Jerry Bulda gives you the 101 break-down on Clare Security.

Topics: smart home automation home security tech tuesdays install assist fusion clare security

Top 10 Dealer FAQ's

This week, we look at the top 10 most frequently asked questions from our dealers. Ever wanted to know where Clare fits in the Smart Home and Security industry? Or wondered about what tools are available to dealers? We've got your answers here!

Topics: smart home automation dealer faq clare supported products

Top 4 Fusion Tips and Tricks

Fusion is a powerful Smart Home configuration and maintenance software that can be accessed online. We've collected these top 4 handy Fusion tips and tricks that will help save time and be more efficient when working with projects.

Topics: smart home automation dealer fusion tips and tricks fusion

Clare Tech Tuesday: Automation Programming Comparison Fusion & Install Assist

In this week's episode of Tech Tuesday, Jerry Bulda compares the automation programming differences in Fusion and the Install Assist App.

Topics: smart home automation home security dealer tech tuesdays install assist fusion automation programming