ClareVue Lighting Receptacle Release Notes


For information on Z-Wave and ClareHome, see Installing Z-Wave with ClareHome.


  • When installing Z-Wave devices, ensure that there is nothing inhibiting their signal. Z-Wave relies on radio signals. Metal or thick walls may limit their signal strength.
  • We recommend having 2 or more repeating Z-Wave devices.


The ClareVue Lighting Receptacle (CL-TRR) integrates with ClareHome via the Z-Wave network. Installers only need to pair (add) the unit into ClareHome. The module provides real time on/off indications.

By integrating the ClareVue Lighting Receptacle into the ClareHome system, your customers can turn the associated devices on or off from their Android or iOS devices.

Installing the lighting receptacle

Only qualified installation technicians should install ClareVue lighting devices. Follow the installation instructions that came with your ClareVue lighting devices.

Note: The receptacle is configurable using the ClareHome app, the Clare Controls Install Assist app, and Fusion.

Pairing and configuring the receptacle in the apps

After installing the receptacle, pair it.

To pair the receptacle using ClareHome and Install Assist:

1. Access the Clare Controls Install Assist app, and then tap Add Devices.


– or –

Access the ClareHome Mega Menu, and then tap Add/Edit Devices.


2. At the bottom of the screen, tap the plus icon.


3. Tap Lighting.


4. Tap Z-Wave Device - Lighting.


5. Tap Start Discovery Mode, and then pair the device as per the manufacturer’s instructions.


6. Enter a name for the receptacle, and then select an area.


7. Tap outside of the area drop-down, and then configure the receptacle settings.

Note: For scene, schedule, notification, and automation configuration, see ClareHome App Guide (DOC ID 1750).

To configure the receptacle settings:

1. Tap Edit Device Settings.

2. Configure the device settings as desired.

Power Up State: When power is removed from the device, for example - from a power outage, the device turns off. The Power Up Sates is the state that the dimmer returns to when power is returned to the device.

This settings has 3 options: turning on, remaining off, or returning to its last state before it lost power.

Delayed Off: The amount of time, in seconds, that it takes the dimmer to extinguish.


3. Tap outside of the drop-down menu/text field.

The device information automatically saves.

Pairing the receptacle in Fusion

After installing the receptacle, pair it.

To pair the receptacle with Fusion:

1. Access your project, and then click the Z-Wave Wizard icon.

Z-Wave wizaed icon

2. The Clare Controls Z-Wave Wizard displays. Click on Z-Wave Devices.

i want to add

3. Select the device location, and then enter a name for the device.

Note: We recommend naming the device after its location to avoid confusion. For example, Office Switch.

z-wave device - area

Note: If you want to add an area, click the green plus icon, enter a name for the area, and then click Add Area.

i want to add close up

4. Click Add It!.

A Z-Wave adding mode dialog displays.

zwave dialog

5. Press the main on/off button on the device.


  • Once paired, the light stops blinking.
  • The Z-Wave lighting device dialog goes away when the device has been paired.

6. The outlet appears in the added devices list.


7. Click the Summary tab to view all Z-Wave Wizard added devices and their status.


8. Click the Close Window icon in the top-right of the wizard to exit and return to the Devices tab.

Note: The Z-Wave devices added with the Z-Wave Wizard are automatically imported on the Devices tab.

Using the receptacle in the ClareHome app

Once deployed, the user can add the device to their space, and then tap the lighting receptacle icon in the ClareHome app to display and operate the on and off status, as shown below.

fig 1

Full PDF - ClareVue Lighting Receptacle Integration Release Notes (DOC ID 1238)