Door Locks and Garage Doors

Schlage Z-Wave Door Locks Release Notes


For information on Z-Wave and ClareHome, see Installing Z-Wave with ClareHome Tech Bulletin (DOC ID 1162).


  • When installing Z-Wave devices, ensure that there is nothing inhibiting their signal. Z-Wave relies on radio signals. Metal or thick walls may limit their signal strength.
  • We recommend having 2 or more repeating Z-Wave devices that support beaming.


Schlage Z-Wave door locks integrate with ClareHome via the Z-Wave network. Installers only need to pair (add) the unit into the ClareHome. The Schlage locks provide real time lock status indications.

By integrating the Schlage into the ClareHome control system, your customers can control the door lock from their Android or iOS devices.

Supported models

The following Schlage models are supported. 

  • BE369
  • BE468NX
  • BE469NX
  • FE599NX

Note: The B3369, BE468NX, and BE469NX are manufacturer discontinued (12/2018). These locks are Clare Supported.

Installing and programming Schlage door locks

Only qualified installation technicians should install Schlage door locks. Follow the installation and programming instructions that came with your Schlage equipment. We recommend that you pair the lock with the ClareHome Z-Wave controller before installing it in the door.


  • You must be within 6 feet of the controller for the lock to pair.
  • The door lock is configurable using the Clare app, the Clare Controls Install Assist app, and Fusion.

Pairing, configuring, and removing the Schlage

After installing the door lock, pair it.

To pair the door lock using ClareHome or Install Assist:

1. Access the Clare Controls Install Assist app, and then tap Add Devices.

Image 001

– or –

Access the ClareHome menu, and then tap Add/Edit Devices.

Image 002

2. At the bottom of the screen, tap the plus icon.

Image 003

3. Tap Access.

Image 004

4. Tap Z-Wave Device - Access.

Image 005

5. Tap Start Discovery Mode, and then pair the device as per the manufacturer’s instructions.

Image 006

6. Enter a name for the door lock, and then select an area.

Image 008-1

7. Tap outside of the area drop-down and the door lock automatically saves.

8. Continue to set or remove Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) for the door lock.

To add a door lock PIN:

1. Access the Menu, and then tap Add/Edit Devices.

Image 002

2. Tap Access, and then select the desired door lock.

image 9

3. Enter an ID number, and then enter the desired door lock code.

Note: Each door lock has a set number of usable IDs and PIN codes. Read your device’s documentation to find out how many IDs are supported and the available format of the PINs.

a Image 001

4. Tap Save Code.
Once the code is saved, the code is functional on the door lock.

Note: For scene, schedule, notification, and automation configuration, see ClareHome App Guide (DOC ID 1750).

To remove a door lock PIN:

1. Access the Menu, and then tap Add/Edit Devices.

Image 002

2. Tap Access, and then select the desired door lock.

image 9

3. Enter an ID number, and then tap Remove Code.

Note: The ID number is a user number with an assigned access code.

A success message displays, the code is no longer associated with the door lock.

a Image 003

To remove all door lock PINs:

1. Access the Menu , and then tap Add/Edit Devices.

Image 002

2. Tap Access, and then select the desired door lock.

image 9

3. Tap Remove All Codes.

A success message displays. Only the master code remains associated with the door lock. All other codes are removed.

a Image 003

To see if here is an existing PIN associated with a user ID:

1. Access the Menu, and then tap Add/Edit Devices.

Image 002

2. Tap Access, and then select the desired door lock.

image 9

3. Enter the desired ID in, and then tap Get Code.

If the ID has a PIN associated with it, a redacted code appears in Door Lock Code field.

a Image 004

If there is not PIN associated with that ID, an available banner displays denoting that the ID is usable.

a Image 005

To remove the door lock using ClareHome or Install Assist:

1. Access the Clare Controls Install Assist app, and then tap Add Devices.

Image 001

– or –

Access the ClareHome menu, and then tap Add/Edit Devices.

Image 002

2. Tap the dots in the upper-right corner.

Image 009

3. Tap Unpair Z-Wave Device.

Image 010

4. Tap Start Removal Mode, and then remove the device as per the manufacturer’s instructions.

Image 011

Note: Press and hold the same button used in pairing the device to remove the device.

Pairing and removing the door lock in Fusion

Before installing the door lock, pair it.

Note: The BE469NX/BE468NX may have pairing connectivity errors and require more than one pairing attempt. In some cases, the BE469NX/BE468NX door lock requires a factory reset.

To complete a factory reset on the BE469NX/BE468NX, hold down the Schlage button on the lock while connecting the batteries. This resets the door lock and restores the lock’s ability to pair.

To pair the door lock with Fusion:

1. Access your project, and then click the Z-Wave Wizard icon.

Image 012

2. Click on Z-Wave Devices.

Image 013

3. Select the device’s location, and then enter a name for the device.


  • We recommend naming the device after its location to avoid confusion. For example, Entryway Door Lock.

Image 014

If you want to add an area, click the green plus icon, enter a name for the area, and then click Add Area.

Image 015

4. Click Add It!.

The Z-Wave adding mode dialog displays.

Image 016

5. Refer to installation instructions that came with your Schlage device to pair.

Note: This varies by device.

6. The door lock appears in the added devices list.

Image 017

7. Click the Summary tab to view all Z-Wave Wizard added devices and their status.

Image 018

8. Click the Close Window icon in the top-right of the wizard to exit and return to the Devices tab.

Note: The Z-Wave devices added with the Z-Wave Wizard are automatically imported on the Devices tab.

9. Expand the device to view all child devices.

Note: If the device has no children, you must unpair the door lock, and then repair it. This ensures that all features are active and available for the door lock.

To remove the door lock with Fusion:

1. Access your project, and then click the Z-Wave Wizard icon.

Image 012

2. Click on Unpair a Device.

Image 019

3. Click Continue.

Image 020

4. On the Schlage device, follow the method for removing the device as per its documentation.

Note: The removal and adding process vary per device.

The door is removed from the devices list.

Creating rules with the Schlage door lock

Configure a rule for the Schlage door lock.

The following example sets a locked detection rule. When the door lock detects it has been locked, the homeowner is alerted with an email.

To create the door lock rule in Fusion:

1. Access your project, and then click the Rules tab.

Image 021

2. Click the New Rule button.

3. Enter a name for the rule, and then select the Enable Rule checkbox.

Image 022

4. Configure the Event Part as below.

Note: This release of the door lock only supports the Lock/Unlock device.

  • Event Type: Device Property Change Event

Note: The Device Property Change Event replaced the Device Property Value Event.

  • Device: Schlage/Unlock
  • Function: Door Lock
  • Property: State
  • Constraint: =
  • Value: Detected

event part 2

5. Configure the Action part as below.

  • Action Type: Send Email
  • Recipients: The homeowner’s Email address
    Note: To add an Email address, you must click the green plus icon. Do this for each desired Email recipient.
  • Subject: The purpose of the alarm
  • Text: The information included in the email

Image 024

6. Click the Save button, and then deploy the project.

Rule options for the Schlage door lock

When creating rules for the Schlage door locks, consult the below table to better understand the options available.

schlage table 1

Using the door lock in the ClareHome app

Once deployed, the user can add the device to their space, and then tap the door icon in the ClareHome app to display and operate the door locks controls, as shown below.

Figure 2: Locked and unlocked Schlage display


Image 025




Full PDF - Schlage Z-Wave Door Locks Integration Notes (DOC ID 1234)

Data sheet