Replacing the ClareHome Host Controller Product Bulletin


This product bulletin provides the information necessary to successfully replace your ClareHome host controller.

Remove host controllers

It is imperative that the previous host controller connections are removed. The installer must access all client UI devices (iPads and smartphones) and remove all existing account information.

To remove account information:

1. Launch the ClareHome app and then access the menu.

Image 001

2. Tap Locations.

A list of all associated host connections displays.

Image 002

3. Tap the three dots to the right of the desired location.

4. Tap Remove.

Image 003

5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for each UI device and location.

Replace the host controller in Fusion

After removing the previous host controller you must change the host controller in Fusion.

To change the host controller in Fusion:

1. Access the project.

Image 004

2. Scroll down to view the Project Properties pane.

Image 005

3. Remove the UUID from the Gateway UUID field, and then enter the new UUID.

Image 006

4. Click the Save button.

5. Select the currently deployed version of the project, and then deploy the project.

Image 007

6. Verify that all devices are online.

Image 008

To connect the UI device:

1. Launch the ClareHome app, and then access the menu.

Image 001

2. Tap Locations.

Note: The location appears automatically when the UI device is connected to the same system.

3. Tap the location, and then enter the project’s system PIN.

Image 009

4. Tap Done.

You are now connected to the system.

Full PDF - Replacing the ClareHome Host Controller Product Bulletin (DOC ID 1146)