Clare Controls announces the integration of Pioneer Elite AV receivers into the ClareHome system.
You can integrate the Pioneer Elite receiver to a ClareHome control system so that your customers can send commands to the receiver from their mobile devices, like iPhones or iPads. ClareHome supports the following features:
- IP control (Main zone only)
- Serial control (Main zone only)
- Volume, including mute
- Media source
The Pioneer Elite AV receiver integrates with the ClareHome system in a way similar to other entertainment device integrations. All entertainment integrations share a common UI, so that the user experience is consistent.
Installing the Pioneer Elite AV receiver
A qualified installation technician should install the Pioneer Elite AV receiver. Use the buttons on the front of the receiver to enter the user interface. Set Network Standby to “ON.” Refer to the installation instructions that came with the receiver.
If you are connecting your receiver via IP to the ClareHome data network, set a static IP address in your receiver.
Connecting the receiver to the ClareHome data network
After installing the Pioneer Elite AV receiver, connect it to the ClareHome data network. You can connect the receiver in either of two ways, using a standard IP connect to your LAN (recommended), or using a serial connection to the LAN. If you choose to make a serial connection, you must attach an IP-to-Serial device, such as a Global Cache’ iTach, between the receiver and your LAN.
To connect the Pioneer Elite AV receiver to the ClareHome data network with an IP connection:
1. Attach one end of an Ethernet cable (not included) to the LAN port on the back of the receiver. See Figure 2.
2. Attach the other end of the cable to a router on your ClareHome data network.
To connect the Pioneer Elite AV receiver to the ClareHome data network with a serial connection:
1. Attach one end of a CAT5 networking cable (not included) to a port on the ClareHome data network, and then attach the other end of the cable to the RJ-45 jack on the IP-to-Serial device. See Figure 3.
2. Using an RS232C DB9 male crossover cable, attach one end to the IP-to-Serial device and the other end to the serial port on the rear of the receiver.
The crossover cable should have the following pinouts.
Setting the serial parameters in the serial device adapter
To ensure proper communication between the Pioneer Elite receiver and the ClareHome system, you must configure your IP-to-Serial device with the following settings.
Note: To configure the serial adapter, follow the manufacturer’s instructions included with the device.
Configuring in Fusion
Once you have installed your Pioneer Elite AV receiver, you must add and configure it in Fusion. Follow the steps below to configure your Elite receiver in Fusion.
To add a Pioneer Elite AV receiver in Fusion:
1. Click the Devices tab, and then click the New Device button to display the Select Template dialog.
2. Expand the Entertainment IP Devices folder, and then select Pioneer Elite AVR from the list.
3. In the Details tab’s Name field, enter a name for your Pioneer Elite device.
4. Click the Configuration tab.
5. Enter values in the following fields:
- In the Network Address field, enter the receiver’s network IP address.
- or -
If you are using an IP-to-Serial device, enter the IP address for that device.
- In the Network Port field, enter the network port number for the receiver (8102), or the IP-to-Serial device that connects the receiver with the ClareHome data network.
Note: Global Cache devices use port number “4999”.
3. Click the Save button.
Creating a service for the Pioneer Elite AV receiver
1. On the Configure tab, click the New Service Instance button to display the Service tab.
2. In the Name field, enter a name for your service. This is the name that appears on the customer’s iDevice – for example, Pioneer Elite AV Receiver.
3. Click Next.
4. Fusion displays the New Service Instance Devices tab and auto-populates the control points.
5. Select the control points for your project, and then click Finished.
6. Next, create the scenes that will appear on the ClareHome UI. Refer to the Fusion Configuration Tool Administrator Guide (DOC ID 069) for more information regarding creating scenes.
7. Be sure to deploy your project.
Full PDF - Pioneer Elite AVR Integration Release Notes (DOC ID 431)