Note: Support for the V3 video doorbell coming soon.
The Control4 Driver is a downloadable add-on that allows the user to integrate the ClareVision Plus V2 Video Doorbell Camera into a Control4 project. The driver enables video streaming in the Control4 project.
- This driver only supports the C4 T3 touchscreen.
- The doorbell does not support mjpeg.
Supported features
- RTSP camera stream
- Snapshot
- Button press events
- Motion Events
Note: Disabling motion events or notifications in the ClareVision Plus app also disables them in the Control4 driver.
Installing the Control4 driver
Making the ClareVison Plus Doorbell Camera compatible with Control4 is simple and provides the user convenient access to their doorbell’s stream.
To install the Control4 driver:
1. Download the Clare Video Doorbell Control4 Driver.
2. Open the Control4 project, and then add the driver to the project.
3. Configure the ClareVision Doorbell Camera’s properties.
Note: Most of the camera fields are pre-populated. You will need to enter the IP address, username, and the password.
IP address: The doorbell camera’s IP address.
Note: There is no way to set a static IP address for the doorbell camera. We recommend using a DHCP reservation.
Username: The camera’s username. By default, the username is clareadmin.
Password: The camera’s password set in the initial camera configuration.
4. Navigate to the Actions Tab.
Advanced Properties > Actions
5. Click Configure Sub Stream.
This automatically configures the doorbell’s substream.
6. Test the camera functions through the Control4 App.
Do not use the Get H.264 URL button for testing, this can cause an error in the Composer software.
Figure 1: ClareVision Plus Doorbell Camera preferred settings
Using events with Control4
Events allow the user to create actions in response to the doorbell ringing or motion detection.
Note: Alarm Notifications must be enabled in the ClareVision Plus App for Events to function properly. See, “To enable Alarm Notifications in ClareVision Plus."
To enable events in with Control4:
1. Verify that the firmware version for the ClareVision Plus (CVP) Doorbell Camera and the Control4 driver are the most current.
Note: The CVP doorbell camera firmware is updated through the ClareVision Plus App. To update the firmware see, ClareVision Plus Video Doorbell Camera Firmware v2.0.0 Build 171209 Release Notes (DOC ID 1724).
2. Access the Control4 configuration menu, and browse to Properties.
Camera Properties > Advanced Properties > Properties
3. Scroll to view the Events field and select Enabled.
Note: Once selected, the field autosaves.
4. Scroll down to view the most recent events (notification and motion).
Note: This is only available once an event occurs, until that point the fields remain blank.
To enable Alarm Notifications in ClareVision Plus:
Note: New video doorbell firmware has Alarm Notifications enabled by default. Verify that you have the newest firmware and that the notifications are enabled.
1. Access the ClareVision Plus App.
2. Tap on the desired camera’s name.
3. Tap Alarm Notifications.
Note: Alarm notifications are automatically enabled. If they are not enabled, tap to enable them. This is required for Control4 to receive motion events.
Full PDF - ClareVision Plus V2 Video Doorbell Control4 Driver Integration Notes (DOC ID1700)