Configuring DSC Alarm Panels Using the HSIM Interface Module Release Notes


The HSIM security integration module is a keypad emulator that connects to DSC PowerSeries panels and provides a serial connection to a CLIQ device. The HSIM is used in place of the IT-100 PowerSeries Integration Module. It is tested and certified for integration with the ClareHome system. Integration of the HSIM provides monitoring and control of the DSC panel using the ClareHome UI.

Supported DSC PowerSeries panels

  • PC1864
  • PC1832
  • PC1616
  • PC1404
  • PC5100
  • PC5108
  • PC5200
  • PC5204
  • PC5208
  • PC5320
  • PC5400
  • PC5950

The instructions in this document are provided to help you quickly integrate the HSIM with your DSC panel. It is not intended to be a complete installation guide. Please follow the manufacturer’s installation documentation when installing the HSIM in your security panel.

Device properties supported in ClareHome

Supported features

  • Armed stay: The panel arms in stay mode, turning off the home’s internal motion detectors
  • Armed away: The panel arms in away mode, activating the entire security system (internal and external).
  • Disarm: Disarms the security system.
  • Zone status: Zone status information for all zones.

Currently unsupported features

  • Multiple partition: The HSIM only supports one partition.
  • Auto name detection: Zone names cannot be imported from the panel; they must be entered manually in Fusion. This is true for all Clare Controls supported security panels.
  • Zone bypass: Zones cannot be bypassed from the Clare Controls application.

Installing the panel and the HSIM module

A qualified technician should install the security panel and the HSIM module. Refer to the installation instructions that came with your devices.

When installing the HSIM module be aware of the wiring. The table below shows the security panel’s wiring scheme.


Connecting the HSIM to the CLIQ

After installing the security panel and the HSIM, connect the HSIM to your CLIQ device. The HSIM requires a straight through cable. When using the HSIM panel with a, you must use the included cable and a null modem adaptor. When using the HSIM with a, you must use a USB to serial cable (part number CLIQ-SEC-USB-01).

To connect the HSIM using a

Note: The serial cable included with the CLIQ is a Null Modem cable. The HSIM module connection requires a straight through cable. For proper operation with the CLIQ serial cable, a null modem adapter must be installed between the DB9 end of the cable and the HSIM module. This converts the connection to straight through serial.

1. Attach the RJ12 end of the provided serial cable to the desired serial port (there is only one if you are using the of the CLIQ.

Note: Write down or note the port used, this is required for Fusion configuration.

2. Attach a null modem adapter/cable to the DB9 end of the CLIQ serial cable.

3. Attach the opposite end of the null modem adapter/cable to the HSIM.

To connect the HSIM using a

Note: You will need the Clare Controls USB to serial cable (part number CLIQ-SEC-USB-01).

1. Attach the USB end of the USB to serial cable to the desired USB port on the

2. Attach the opposite end of the USB to serial cable (DB-9 connector) to the serial connector on the HSIM.

Enabling the HSIM for communication with ClareHome

The HSIM is automatically detected by a DSC panel.

Note: If the HSIM module is not auto-detected, a power cycle is needed. Perform the power cycle, and then configure the device in Fusion.

Configuring the HSIM in Fusion

After installing and enabling the HSIM, add and configure the security module in Fusion. You will also define the zones that you created when installing the security panel. Follow the steps below to configure your security system in Fusion.

To add the system in Fusion:

1. Click the Devices tab, and then click the New Device button.
This displays the Select Template dialog.


2. Browse to DSC – PowerSeries – HSIM.

Security > Security Panel > DSC – PowerSeries - HSIM

3. Select CLIQ in the Communication Method drop-down if you are using a or a

4. Click OK.

5. The security Device Wizard displays. Select the number of zones, and then click OK.


Note: One partition is created automatically. Additional partitions must be added manually.

6. The Details tab displays. Enter a name and notes for the device if desired.


7. Click the Configure tab, and then enter the number of the keypad being used for the panel.

8. Configure the fields with the proper information, leaving the baudrate, data bits, and serial parity to their default.

Note: Ensure that you select the proper value for the CLIQ Serial Port drop-down. and each have port options.


9. Click the Save button.

To configure the partition:

1. Return to the Devices tab, and then double-click the partition to display its Details tab.


2. Enter a name for this partition. In our example above, we named the partition “Main House - Partition 1.”

3. Click the Configure tab, and then expand the Intrusion Partition drop-down.


4. Enter the partition number in the Value field.

5. Click the Save button.

To manually add partitions to the security system:

Note: When adding partitions, be sure that you do not duplicate the partition numbers. Each partition number must be unique.

1. Return to the Devices tab.

2. Right-click the partition, and then select Add Dynamic Children.


3. The security Device Wizard displays. Select the number of partitions, and then click OK.


Note: One zone is created automatically. Additional zones must be added manually.

4. Click OK, and then configure the partition as above.

5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for each partition.

To configure zones:

1. Return to the Devices tab, and then expand the desired partition to view the zones.

2. Double-click the zone to display the Details tab.


3. Click the Configure tab, expand the Intrusion Zone drop-down, and then verify that the zone number is unique.

Note: If the zone is not unique, enter the zone number in the Value field.


4. Click the Save button.

To manually add zones to a partition:

Note: When adding zones, be sure that you do not duplicate the zone numbers. Each zone number must be unique.

1. Return to the Devices tab.

2. Right-click the partition, and then select Add Dynamic Children.


3. Fusion has already added the specified number of zones. Enter the number of additional zones for this partition.


4. Click OK.

5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 for each zone.

To create a service for the partition:

1. Click the partition to view the Details tab, and then click the New Service Instance button.

The Create Service dialog displays.


2. Click Open Wizard to display the Service Instance dialog, shown below.


3. Select an area for system in the Area drop-down menu.

4. Click Intrusion Partition Service, and then click Next.

5. In the right pane of the New Service Instance pane, select your security device, partition, and zones. In our example, we have selected DSC – HSIM.


6. In the left pane, select the partition name and zones on the left side of the window.

7. Click Finish.

8. Be sure to deploy your project.

Configuring rules with the DSC HSIM

Configure a rule for the DSC HSIM.

The following example sets an Armed-away rule. When the DSC is set to
Arm-Away, the lighting switch turns off.

To create an Armed-away mode rule in Fusion:

1. Access your project, and then click the Rules tab.


2. Click the New Rule button.

3. Enter a name for the rule, and then select the Enable Rule checkbox.


4. Configure the Event Part as below.

  • Event Type: Device Property Value Event
  • Device: DSC – HSIM device
  • Function: Intrusion Partition
  • Property: Arm Away
  • Constraint: =
  • Value: ArmedAway

5. Configure the Action part as below.

  • Action Type: Invoke Device Operation
  • Device: Lighting switch
  • Function: Switch
  • Operation: Turn Off

6. Click Save, and then deploy the project.

DSC Security UI

The following figures show the DSC controls in the ClareHome app.

Figure 1: DSC Security System UI in the Ready and Armed state


Full PDF - Configuring DSC Alarm Panels Using the HSIM Interface Module Integration Release Notes (DOC ID 1051)