How can I adjust the motion detection on the doorbell camera?

Motion detection can be modified using the ClareVision Plus application. Both the motion detection area and sensitivity can be modified to suit the users requirements.

Motion Area

  1. Open the application.
  2. Tap the My Devices icon in the lower left corner.
  3. Tap the three dots above the Clare Video Doorbell device to enter the Settings page.
  4. Tap Alarm Notification.
  5. If not already on, turn on Alarm Notification.
  6. Tap Draw Motion Detection Area
  7. The boxes shaded in red and highlighted by a red border are the areas which are set to detect motion. Tap on the boxes until all the areas which should be detection motion are red, then tap the Disk (save) icon in the upper right corner.


While still on the Alarm Notification page.

  1. Tap Motion Detection Sensitivity.
  2. Move the slider until the icon in the image under the slider changes. Left is least sensitive (icon of walking figure in image) and right is most sensitive (image of mosquito in image). The effective settings are only low, medium and high, there are no variations within those regions.
  3. Tap the Arrow icon in the upper left corner.
  4. Back out to the My Devices page and test your settings. Adjust accordingly.